Immersed in the heart of the Val d'Elsa, Poggibonsi is a characteristic medieval village that fascinates visitors with its historical testimonies and its stupendous landscapes.
Also of considerable interest is the Archeodrome, which reproduces in real scale the small village of the 9th and 10th centuries, ideal for having fun with children!
Among the religious buildings we highlight: the monumental complex of San Lucchese, one of the very few examples of Gothic architecture in Italy, which boasts an exceptional collection of works of art; e the Church of San Lorenzo, with works of great value. Instead, as examples of military architecture the following stand out: the Fortress of Poggio Imperiale, built in the 16th century by order of Lorenzo the Magnificent, whose project however was never brought to full completion; e the Magione Castle, which preserves original traces of its medieval architecture.